What Is A Customs Broker?
A customs broker is a legal entity that carries out indirect customs representation in connection with the import, export or transit of goods and means of transport to the customs territory. Indirectly, the customs representation acts on its behalf and by the instruction of the person acting on behalf of the person represented for his benefit. The customs broker carries out its activities in accordance with the Customs Code and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No.17 dated January 23, 2014. A customs broker may be a declarant under a contract with the owner of goods and vehicles crossing the customs border. In the course of customs control and customs clearance, the customs broker shall carry out all the duties and shall bear the same responsibility as the person conveying goods independently from the customs border. The relations of the customs broker with the persons represented are regulated by the agreement concluded between the parties in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Documents Required For The Preparation Of The Customs Declaration
One-time brokerage services agreement
Power of attorney for broker services (physical persons-notarized)
Transport document (CMR, Air bill, TIR, Carnet, etc.)
Document confirming the value of goods ((invoice,) proforma- invoice, account- proforma))
Certificate that confirming of origin of goods (CT- 1, etc.)
Contract concluded during implementation of foreign trade transactions (contract, agreement)
Document on weight of goods (Packing list)
Permission documents (permit, opinion, certification) from the relevant government agencies for the goods, which are required for import / export.
Copy of export declaration of goods by country of origin during import (Export declaration).
Sample Documents
Customs Declaration - main sheet
Customs Declaration - additional sheet
Useful Links
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on customs tariff
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding Systems (HS), rates of customs duties
Rule of calculation of value-added tax
Rules of customs clearance of Rariret (rare) vehicles
Standarts for lightweight passenger vehicles (Euro- 4)